London, goodbye


September 1997 was the month when I said
Soolong and thanks for the fish, to London.
It was not an easy decision to move back to Stockholm,
especially not after three and a half years of great fun,
with great friends in London.

The party I held to say goodbye to all my friends was
one of the best an wildest parties I have ever had, and
HERE's the photographic evidents.
Unfortunattly some of the pictures have been censored
out, but it's all in the name of taste and decency that
was done... :-)


Let's start with the list of all involved:


Me, myself and I, together with my friend Beer!


Sian and Amanda

Andy and Susan


Me and Hillary


Not to mention STEVE

Goodbye sweet heart!

 Back to square one

©1998-Eternity Pharao Inc.